The Golden Owl®

La Chouette d'Or® is to date the biggest unsolved treasure hunt in the world! It all starts with a book of puzzles published in 1993 by Régis Hauser, marketing consultant and author of the puzzles, and Michel Becker, artist and author of the visuals for the puzzles and the Golden Chouette®.

Anchored in legend, 30 years after the burial of the treasure, this hunt has become legendary in more ways than one: a prize to be won worth more than 150,000 euros, unprecedented enthusiasm with nearly two hundred thousand participating players over three generations.

To date, no one has yet managed to correctly decipher the 11 enigmas of the hunt. Taken over in November 2021 by Michel Becker, the updated rules now make it possible to ensure that the hunt runs smoothly, and that the treasure is handed over to whoever solves the solutions first. Maybe you ?


The message of the co-author of the Chouette d'Or® and the Master of the game, Michel Becker

  • We answer all your questions!

    Do you have questions about hunting? On the regulations, their organization, their history? You want to know if the owl is well buried? If the game is worth the candle?

    The answer to your questions! 
  • Are you looking for other owls?

    A Discord organized by Michel Becker on the Golden Owl exists, more than 2000 people are already part of it! If you want to talk with other chouetteurs, discuss theories, join us!

    DISCORD link 
  • Want the first info before everyone else?

    Follow us on our YouTube channel! We talk about all the news of hunting, all its history and future projects that will necessarily interest you!

    Our YouTube channel 


To participate in the hunt, you just need to have acquired a copy of one of the prints of the book, and thus be registered as a real "owl". Without this copy, even if you find the Golden Owl®, your victory will not be validated. There are several editions with different information that you can find below. Join the hunt with us!