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Here you will find all the latest information about hunting On the Trail of the Golden Owl®

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Are you asking yourself these questions?

Does the bronze owl really exist?

Yes, it actually exists. Two prints numbered 1 and 2 were made in 1993, number 1 has disappeared, number 2 is currently buried at the exact location of the cache while waiting for the person who will be able to find it.

How do you participate in "On the Trail of the Golden Owl®"?

It is enough to acquire one of the editions of the book - all are valid - to be able to participate validly in the game.

Am I allowed to use a metal detector?

The use of a metal detector is strongly discouraged and any discovery of the bronze countermark using such a detector without having solved the last riddle allowing to locate the cache with precision, would not give right to the title of winner.

Are all the MADITS true?

The corpus of MADITS is very large and among the many answers it contains, a number of them are inaccurate or even false. Players are therefore strongly advised not to refer to it.